Anyone heard of Rocco Grimaldi? Perhaps not, unless you're a huge College Hockey fan, or follow the NHL draft. The man of the discussion is the 33rd Draft pick to the NHL's Florida Panthers, and a current Fighting Sioux forward (woot woot). This guy can thread a needle in the dark if you know what I mean (hockey metaphor). The most remarkable thing about this extremely talented young man is not the fact that he is touted as the next Johnathan Toews (take your pick from the megamix of talent coming from the ND Locker room), nay, the most remarkable thing about him is his devotion to God, Jesus, and the advancement of the Kingdom.
He isn't just about pretty words either; as most athletes stop at "I would like to thank God," no, this man preaches the whole Gospel - conviction, celebration, and hope. He is also a man who knows how to carry that cross. Some -who have nothing better to write about- have referred to his very recent Twitter remarks as "sexist" which we can see is a common reaction from that of an unbeliever. His "rants" were largely pointed at modesty and purity. He points out that "women are not an object for playing with" and "Guys, when did sleeping with every girl you can make you a man?" or "[girls,] when did being a beautiful girl become dressing with the least amount of clothes?" .... The one that got him in trouble was "Ladies you can help us out big time. Put your boobs away..."
Yep, that is SEXIST!!! (#psych!!) lol
Click: yardbarker for a 'thoughtful' exposition where Rocco "gets all weird and religious on us" or puckdaddy for some twisted criticism of Rocco's choice of words.
We can call it unfair treatment, but the "world" is not a place for a Christian or a devout, outspoken athlete. We weren't made for this world. The "world" would be heralding this man if he was in support of LGBT or removal of DADT or DOMA, or if he were to drive a Prius and gave speeches for the rights of the "small majority." What a contradiction. Instead, people act as if his Twitter comments are an attack on the very civil rights of others.
As my wife would say, it's a "travishamockery." But I will digress. We all know how the world treat Christians so I will not spend any more time talking about it. Instead, I will celebrate that the Lord Jesus has done an amazing work in this young mans life. Glory be to God that He has empowered a public figure to be a great example of the message of the Messiah. His words are that exact message:
"I'm not a Christian because I'm strong and have it all together. I'm a Christian because I'm weak and admit I need a savior."
Amen. Carry your cross, too. Preach the whole Gospel. People don't know they need a mediator until they know they understand the Law.
Now for fun:
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