Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Church of Oprah?

I am not shocked. The only real fact is that these people really need prayers. It has been my distinct privilege to really know that people cannot be educated into believing in Jesus; but that to know the Gospel in your heart is only available from God, not ourselves. So much scripture relating to that that comes to mind. Honestly, I am downright concerned for these people's souls. I remember the point in my evangelical life where I realized that I was more concerned with the salvation of others than teaching, correcting, and instructing others, and narcissistic just "being a good Christian." 

Just watch:

I would start by saying under any other circumstances that this would scare the living crap out of me: "but behold, I have overcome the world." There is such an incredible battle going on underneath the matter that makes up our physical world, read Ephesians 5-6 if you need more information to convince you of that. But I was once there too. So many things I have learned since giving my life to the Lord, not just in words, but in everyday life. Even things I argued to other Christians about - things like abortion, how to pray, denomination, works, faith, sacraments, creed, preaching, spiritual gifts, and so many others - have been reversed due to what God has shown me to be the Truth. Heck, even learning the meaning of Truth. Because of these corrections, I have learned to not give words, but to just give instead.

My heart breaks for the lost. Does yours? Are you more than just concerned? I'm at a point where I am literally a step from dropping everything and not just "reaching out," but dwelling among the "least of these." Perhaps it's my attachment to my possessions and lifestyle, but I truly believe right now that God has me where He wants me. No to say I walk in the spirit and are "holier than thou." God wants me humbled, bowed before Him, tuning my heart to His, and learning to be receptive of His grace, and shining his light on all the world. Are you?

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